Emojis; 7 of My Favorite Ones

What are your favorite emojis?

An emoji is a pictogram, ideogram or smiley embedded in text and used in electronic messages and web pages. Emojis have become a necessary part of digital communication especially messaging. They are effective for communicating emotions that sometimes words cannot.

Although some people view the use of emojis as silly, emojis have become very popular over there past few years. Emoji meanings may be hard to figure out as simple as they may appear to be.

Some of the emojis are available in different skin colors. That means that you can choose the skin color you prefer to represent your feelings or perspective of things. Emojis are meant to be fun to use.

Some of my favorite emojis include;

  1. 😂 Face With Tears Of Joy

This emoji is used to show something is very funny or pleasing.

  1. ❤️ The Red Heart Emoji

The red heart emoji is widely used for expressions of love and romance.

It can also be used to express non-romantic positives sentiments like for best friends or a family member.

  1. 🎉 Party Pooper Emoji

This emoji represent the excitement of a fun event or a great achievement.

I use this colorful emoji at the end of a congratulatory message or well wishing message like birthday, graduations, weddings and holidays.

  1. 🙏 Folded Hands Emoji

This emoji is mostly used to express request, thanks, prayer and greetings. It can also be used to express sentiments like hope and gratitude.

Since it appears like two people in a high five, it can be a little confusing for those new to emoji use. However, the folded hands emoji was intended to be folded hands of an individual.

  1. 💯 Keep it 100

This emoji is widely used to express or emphasize achievement, motivation or approval.

It means that something is completely real and authentic. In addition, can be used to express the words “keep it real”, “well done” or “great job”.

  1. 🙈 See No Evil Emoji

The ‘see no evil’ emoji can convey a sense of laughter or disbelief at something amusing or unexpected. The emoji also represent shyness or embarrassment.

It is used by people when they are trying to be coy or sexy. You can also use the hiding monkey face emoji to suggest that you wish you hadn’t seen something.

  1. 🤔 Thinking Emoji

The thinking emoji is used to demonstrate someone deep in thoughts. It can also be used to express a level of doubt about the accuracy of some statements (like when you’re not sure of something).


It is easy you convey feelings, express certain emotions or even tell a story on social media by using emojis. The fun thing about them is that almost everybody understand their meaning.

Emojis are fun, relatable and when used appropriately can provide a humorous side.

Emojis have revolutionized the way people communicate through text messages. The use of emojis can make the conversation more personal as they induce the same responses and feelings in the brain as  facial expressions do.

So, those are my frequently used emojis. Which ones are common to you? Let me know in the comment section below.

One Comment Add yours

  1. I use Thinking Emoji a lot, but this is probably the one I use most often: 😬 Because it’s been that kind of a decade …

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