Emojis; 7 of My Favorite Ones

What are your favorite emojis? An emoji is a pictogram, ideogram or smiley embedded in text and used in electronic messages and web pages. Emojis have become a necessary part of digital communication especially messaging. They are effective for communicating emotions that sometimes words cannot. Although some people view the use of emojis as silly,…

Social Media

How do you use social media? Social media has become a basic requirement for almost everything and everyone in the world. It is used for communication purposes, marketing businesses, entertainment and  advertising businesses. Social media can also be used as a way of making new friends. It is however important to learn about how to…

6 Tips on How to Market a Business on Social Media

Over the years, social media has become basic requirement for marketers and business people. This is because it allows customers and businesses to interact directly. Social media is a great way for marketers and businesses to reach a wide audience by a simple click of a button. It also helps promote products and services.Here are…