7 Ways Social Media Affects Our Lives Negatively

Social Media has become one of our primary forms of digital communication. It is also an entertainment platform. Nowadays it is almost impossible to find someone who doesn’t use a social media platform. While communicating online may help make friends, it has some negative ways it affects our day-to-day lives.
These ways include;

  1. Reduces Self-Esteem
    Social comparison lowers self-esteem. Many people tend to post only the best things happening in their lives. They make the viewers believe these are the only things going on in their lives. What the viewers don’t see are the crazy stuff in between.You end up asking yourself why you can’t have a life like the one you see someone else posting. This could lower your self-esteem.
  2. Causes Failure in Relationships
    Although in some cases social media promotes healthy relationships between family and friends through communication, it can also be a tool for unhealthy relationships. The relationship between a parent and a teenage daughter/son can be hindered by social media. Teenagers nowadays spend a lot of time on social media platforms. Sometimes you even try to have a serious talk with them but they cannot concentrate because a video they uploaded on TikTok, is trending and they can’t keep calm. Similarly, marriage relationship can also be affected by social media. For example, a wife may not have time for her husband because she’s watching a certain live video from YouTube.
  3. Encountering Cyber Bullies
    One of the major threats of social media is cyber bullying. Whether directed to you or not, cyber bullying can lead to negative thoughts on humanity. Many people feel comfortable on the web sharing things they wouldn’t share in real life. Not everyone is happy with your thoughts or lifestyle. Other people send hurtful or abusive messages to people. Some even impersonate others and send mean messages through fake accounts. The recipient of the hurtful messages could end up having low self-esteem.
  4. Unhealthy Sleep Patterns
    Whether addicted to social media or not, it can make you lack interest in sleep. You are eager to know what is happening around you. You move from one social media platform to the other checking for new uploads. You end up realizing that time has really passed and you haven’t slept. Similarly, you can chat on Facebook and Whatsapp all night without even noticing. The excitement from interacting with your friends and family makes you not want to end the conversation. This can make you not want to sleep hence unhealthy sleep patterns. Sleep deprivation is bad for mental health.
  5. Lack of Privacy
    Some of the major threats faced by social media users are, misuse of information, theft of identity, personal attacks and stalking, Social Media platforms usually hold personal data for a lot of people. If this personal data falls in the hands of the wrong people, it can be used against the social media user. For example some people tend to send pictures ( including nude ones) to their friends or partners. If their account gets hacked, these pictures could ruin their reputation. In addition, celebrities are often attacked on social media platforms. These personal attacks can lead to lack or low self-esteem.
  6. High Risk of Depression
    Depression is a mental health problem associated with loss of interest and mood. Social Media may lead to depression through cyber bullying. When you receive mean or abusive messages, this may lower your self-esteem to a point where you may even become depressed. In addition, when you post an item and there are no likes, views or comments, this could lead to depression.
  7. Social Media Triggers Anxiety
    Waiting to see people’s reaction to what you have posted can sometimes trigger anxiety. You keep checking on the number of views, likes and comments after every few minutes. Additionally, waiting to find out the news happening all around the world may sometimes make you anxious.

Social Media can be the best way to connect with others in long-distance relationships when used correctly. It can however cut you from the outside world. One should therefore try to limit the time you spend on social media so that you may not get lost there